Just some quick pointers today, but they’re good ones. There’s a good blog by an arts manager that specializes in the medium of theatre a world of which I am decidedly an outsider. And although I’m not a large proponent of “non-profit performing arts cross-pollination”, there are some good articles to be found there.
The first article, entitled Executives Without Direction, is a good read that details an ideal world a chief executive should create to best serve their organization. In the article, Joe the author of buttsseats (catchy title)- tallies the expected tasks executive directors were required to fulfill in a recent posting of positions at several theatre career sites (much like the career site at the ASOL). Do his results look familiar?
Rent/Manage Facilities-2
Strategic Planning/Vision/Direction-6
P/R, Marketing-11
Personnel Management-12
Programming/Booking Events-9
Oversee restoration of building-2
Board Development-1
Outreach/Community-Government relations-6
Volunteer Development-2
Event Management-1
At the beginning of that same article there is a short section that talks about a new age of writing/journalism. It, in and of itself, is an interesting topic as well.
The next is a long, but fascinating, article entitled How Did We Get Into This Mess? It’s about how arts organizations have evolved since before the turn of the last century into what we see today. Print it out and make it a part of your night stand reading.
One of Adaptistration's most popular resources is the Orchestra Financial Reports page where you can find direct links to an orchestra's IRS 990 filings…