Welcome subscribers! As promised, this is the special 2006 Adaptistration Compensation Report Subscribers Only article. For this installment, I decided to include some additional information that has been at the top of reader requests all week long.
What About San Antonio and Colorado Springs?
As it turns out, the compensation figures for the San Antonio Symphony (ICSOM) and the Colorado Springs Philharmonic (ROPA) were inadvertently left out of the 2006 Compensation Reports. After receiving a number of concerned email messages from players and patrons in both communities I thought it would be best to make sure and include those figures in this special report.
Comparative Data
The most requested element readers called for is to see information for every element of the 2006 reports presented together in a single graphic. As such, I put together the following charts based on information delivered over all five of the 2006 reports:
Cumulative Data
One reader wrote asking if the Los Angeles Philharmonic really spent $74,857,333 in the 2003-2004 season. The answer would be, yes they did. In fact, for just the organizations listed in the compensation reports, the 2003-2004 cumulative total expenditures for ICSOM ensembles alone is nearly $1 billion.
Nevertheless, the differences between the cumulative expenditures for ICSOM and ROPA ensembles included in the reports shows the enormous economic differences between the two conferences, as illustrated in the following chart:
Speaking Of Expenditures
Another frequent reader request was to see data organized by total expenditures s opposed to alphabetically. The readers wish is my command: the following charts present all of the compensation information for each conference organized by total expenditure:
Thank you to everyone for sending in your observations and requests. Taking the time out of your day to do so helps make Adaptistration as useful as possible.
Don’t forget, you can purchase a copy of all the compensation reports in an easy-to-use paperback version with figures for every ROPA and ICSOM symphonic orchestra ED, MD, CM, and base musician salary from the 1999-2000 season through the 2003-2004 season. Just click the banner below: