Following the flood of messages from readers about the graphics from yesterday’s article, I decided it was high time for a contest…
In particular, these two graphics generated a number of positive responses and since my wife and I had so much fun coming with caption ideas, I thought it would be fun to let Adaptistration readers come up with caption ideas of their own.
As such, it’s time to kick-off the first ever Adaptistration Caption Contest. To enter, submit your suggestion as a comment to this post or via email by clicking the “ENTER VIA COMMENT” or “ENTER VIA EMAIL” link following to each cartoon.
Winners of The Adaptistration Caption Contest will:
Receive a full size digital copy of the cartoon with their caption in .png and .jpg formats
Have their name listed in the article announcing the winners as well as a link pointing to a URL of their choice (see Contest Rules for further details).
Remember, when submitting your suggestion, make sure to include your name and a valid email address. Any submission without a valid email address will be discarded. Captions submitted via comment will be made public whereas those submitted by email will remain private (unless selected as a finalist). Submissions can have anything to do with classical music (meaning it doesn’t need to be about the situation in Utah) although keeping it in the orchestra business would be a good idea.
Caption #2: You are inappropriately DAPPER! We have gone casual, sir! Do you want to shock everyone? You can turn in your pinstriped suit, necktie, shoes, socks, shirt and cufflinks for free overalls in the back. YOu can keep the hat.
“Structural Deficits… Structural Deficits…
Structural Deficits…”
Intermission’s over…
“Sir, we here at this concert hall have very strict rules about cellphone usage…”
“These violins will be worthless, I mean priceless….priceless…priceless….priceless.
No sir, these seats are for our e-patrons who are watching on YouTube.
It only looks like the ticket prices are higher, it only looks like the ticket prices are higher….
“Any submission with a valid email address will be discarded.” Think you’re going to lose some entries w/ that one, Drew.
LOL, you’re a picky son-of-a-bitch, aren’t you Marc? I’ll tell ya, these critics…
Seriously, thanks for pointing that out, it’s now fixed. Actually, it almost works as a caption for the second cartoon… 🙂
“Any submission with a valid email address will be discarded.”
Sounds kind of like something Monty Python would come up with to me.
Back to your seat. The “we want you to be part of the music” was only a metaphor.
“Do not clap between movements…do not clap between movements…do not clap between movements…….”
“Standing ovations are required!”
“You will only applaud when I clap my hands three times…”
“The Rat Pack are playing at the other theater sir”
Your throat does not tickle . . . You do not need to cough . . . your . .. .
Cartoon #2: Clapping between movements is fine, but you may not clap in rests. Please leave.
Cartoon #2
PATRON: But I have a box seat.
USHER: I don’t care if you’ve got a brass leg — you’ll sit where I tell you.
Bubble: “You will NOT specifically target violists with your trombone. You will NOT speci…”
Caption: “No, sir, only art critics who know nothing about music may be seated in the critic’s chair.”
Caption #2: You are inappropriately DAPPER! We have gone casual, sir! Do you want to shock everyone? You can turn in your pinstriped suit, necktie, shoes, socks, shirt and cufflinks for free overalls in the back. YOu can keep the hat.