After remaining relatively static for two year, it was high time to update my consulting website. First order of business was to freshen up the site’s color palette and to that end I ran across an absolutely fantastic website that makes it easy to put together a tight color-coordinated theme… takes out all of the guesswork and uncertainty for those who aren’t using a professional graphic designer to create color palettes. In fact, I found the site due to a tip from a graphic designer friend who said she uses the site for ideas and submits palettes for others to use.
Finding a palette that works for is easy due to a well designed interface and internal search engine. For example, if you have one color you know you want to use you can search for palettes that use that color or even browse through defined palette categories based on keywords, hex values, popularity, and more.
Not only did I use a palette from for my consulting website update but I used it to find color palette for Sticks and Drones, right down to the hyperlink mouseover color (you’ll be able to see some other color palettes in upcoming Adaptistration blogs). Both color palettes are extracted from the predominant colors found in two famous paintings by European masters (can you guess which paintings based on the palettes?).
In addition to the new color scheme, my refurbished consulting website features improved navigation, more information, and a media page. I plan on including some additional features such as a free orchestra website design guide and greatly expanded board and management content. So take a moment to crawl around and have fun.
I’m en route to Chattanooga today to attend a concert on Thursday, 3/2/2017 of my wife, violinist Holly Mulcahy, performing Jim Stephenson’s Tributes violin…