Another Orchestra Dips Its Toe Into The Blogging Waters

Amidst the sea of orchestra owned and authored blogs popping up throughout the blogosphere, I’ve noticed one new addition that seems to have figured out that in order to encourage positive results, you have to use the blog for something besides a PR aggregator. In particular, the Edmonton Symphony Orchestra (ESO) launched a new orchestra related blog last week. According to the blog’s inaugural post, the endeavor is being undertaken by someone inside the ESO, let’s call him "Phil," who is the organization’s New Media Specialist. Of the orchestra owned blogs which have started up this past season, here’s why I think this endeavor is worth writing about…

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Think Big

In November 2008, the Chicago Sinfonietta will partner with the Chicago Humanities Festival in musically exploring the year’s Festival theme: THINK BIG. For their part in the festival the Sinfonietta invited a panel of experts to help realize their "big idea" for a concert on November 10, 2008 by selecting the most transformative classical music compositions from various eras that truly changed the rules and affected everything that came after. I …

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