Conventions, Compensation, And Blogging

For those with plans to attend the National Performing Arts Convention in Denver next week, make a note to attend The Online Salon Movement, Thursday, June 12, 2008; 4:30-5:45pm, in Room 303 at the Colorado Convention Center where my fellow panelists and I will engage in an inclusive discussion about how the "blogosphere" continues to transform the way arts organizations interact with the media and the public at large." Moderator Monica Reinagel has done an excellent job at getting everyone prepared for the panel discussion and there will be ample opportunity for those in attendance to take part in the session. In addition to serving as a speaker for the panel session, I’m putting together a special edition of the How To Connect With New Media article series as a FREE, downloadable eBook…


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Cleveland and Cincinnati Musicians Speak Out On Columbus

One of the most common email topics I receive regarding the Columbus affair is from readers wondering what the orchestra musicians in nearby Cleveland and Cincinnati think about what is transpiring. Unfortunately, I could only respond by saying that beyond personal (and private) communications I’ve had with some of those musicians there has been no official communication. That is, until earlier this week when nearly all of the players from both orchestras signed the following letter…

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Out Of The Circle Of Trust (kinda)

Earlier this week, I posted an article about the new print-on-demand store I opened up at As a result of some previous experience with I determined they were a better fit for my publishing needs than my previous on-demand provider, Since then I’ve encountered one aspect of’s service than I am entirely unsatisfied with and it is something potential users should know about before opening an account…

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Why Do They Keep Opening Their Mouths?

I finally had a moment to listen to the WOSU Open Line with Fred Andrle interview with Columbus Symphony Orchestra (CSO) Board President Robert "Buzz" Trafford and Executive Director Tony Beadle and I have to say that it never ceases to surprise me how quickly executive leaders can get in over their head. Here are a few goodies…

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Happy Memorial Day, 2008

Whether you’re home all day enjoying the holiday with family and friends or your orchestra is putting on a performance today, try to take a few moments to remember the reason for the holiday. Furthermore, take a moment to remember that the single largest employer of full-time professional musicians is the United States Armed Forces. The United States Air Force Band | The United States Army Band “The Presidents Own” United …

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