Free Jobs For Everyone!

I was having a drink with some colleagues not long ago when our group was approached by a fresh out of college arts admin major looking for gainful employment within the orchestra administration field. He started complaining about how difficult it was to look for a job online. “It sucks!,” he said. “All of the sites want to charge job seekers or job posters – or both – for the privilege of looking for work”…

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Not A Post About Philadelphia

In order to head off the steady flow of emails and FaceTweet messages coming in asking about Philadelphia, know this: I don’t plan on writing anything about it until after the blackouts are lifted. That being said, today’s post is going to focus on news this week from Honolulu where it looks like the island is once again home to a professional orchestra…

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Now That's Some Industrial Strength Loathing

We don’t normally follow labor disputes outside of North America but there’s no way to ignore the Krakatau strength fight going on in Brazil between Brazilian Symphony Orchestra (OSB) Conductor and Artistic Director, Roberto Minczuk, and the orchestra’s musicians. What makes this such a tremendous fight? Watch and learn…

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What Is Your Reputation In The Business?

One of the byproducts of a business that has grown considerably over the past few decades is a sharp increase in the quantity and quality of administrative positions. To that end, there are more and more professionals who spend their entire careers inside the field. So let’s have a little fun with that concept; assuming you spend the bulk of your career in the business, what sort of reputation are you known for…

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In Detroit, The Battle Is Over But What About The War?

The Detroit Symphony Orchestra (DSO) has reached a settlement but that shouldn’t be confused with conclusion. Even before the orchestra enjoyed a weekend reveling in a pair of free concerts back in Orchestra Hall, public statements from both sides indicate that although the strike is over, the war continues…

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