At nearly three quarters of a million views and more than 700 comments, you’ve probably seen the article from the 9/5/2011 edition of by Lillian Marx titled 5 Bizarre Dark Sides to Modern Orchestras. Keep in mind is a comedy site so don’t go into this thinking it’s an epilogue to a Foundation study.
Consequently, it’s filled with more than a few “light facts” but at the same time, it’s a very telling account of what like if like for some stakeholders in the field, particularly musicians.
It gives a reasonable forest for the trees perspective on some issues that get bogged down with details. For example, whenever I work with orchestra boards for groups with budgets up to $2 million, it isn’t unusual for some discussions surrounding expectations for musician commitment to begin drowning in minutia. At these points I have a few pointers to interject to help restore the necessary perspective.
Now, before you go off to Marx’s article, remember that the site focuses on an edgy content style so be prepared for all sorts of NSFW language. But really, if you’ve worked in this business for more than week, you won’t run across anything you haven’t heard before.
So go and enjoy and then pop back over and leave a comment with any items you think they left out of their list.
There’s a good bit of entertaining conversation going on via Facebook with composers using President Trump’s Covfefe #TwitterFail as inspiration for #SubversiveArt. One of…
Thanks for pointing out this hysterical article. I couldn’t come up with anything better than “that’s like data entry with a trombone slide.” Reminded me of New Years Eve… Strauss Waltzes for two hours… in Violin II… Lillian nailed it.
It’s just loaded with goodies like that, isn’t it? One of my favs was “In other words, a guy sitting in a tux holding a French horn for 90 minutes is less happy with his lot in life than a police officer who runs the risk of being shanked with a sharpened toothbrush on a daily basis.” Although come to think of it, I know of a few situations where stand partners have been driven to similar thoughts. My wife has a framed memo form one of her former orchestras reminding musicians that bringing handguns to services is prohibited.
Thanks for pointing out this hysterical article. I couldn’t come up with anything better than “that’s like data entry with a trombone slide.” Reminded me of New Years Eve… Strauss Waltzes for two hours… in Violin II… Lillian nailed it.
It’s just loaded with goodies like that, isn’t it? One of my favs was “In other words, a guy sitting in a tux holding a French horn for 90 minutes is less happy with his lot in life than a police officer who runs the risk of being shanked with a sharpened toothbrush on a daily basis.” Although come to think of it, I know of a few situations where stand partners have been driven to similar thoughts. My wife has a framed memo form one of her former orchestras reminding musicians that bringing handguns to services is prohibited.