It’s always good to look at something with a different pair of eyes. Case in point, when designing the Venture Platform, I had always envisioned it as hosting an art organization’s primary website. Sure, one of the added benefits for the service is groups can also use it to build ancillary microsites for no additional cost but for whatever reason, it never occurred to me that groups could use Venture solely as a microsite publishing platform.
Fortunately, a shop-talk coffee meeting with Sean Hopp, the Chicago Symphony Orchestra’s (CSO) Web Director, helped bring about a light-bulb moment.
In the CSO’s case, Sean and the CSO web development team determined that using Venture as a platform to build microsites was just the sort of option they could use; in particular, for an upcoming redesign for their popular Beyond the Score® series website. As a result, the CSO has become an archetypal example behind how large budget organizations can use Venture as a high quality platform to quickly build and manage purpose specific sites to showcase everything from artistic initiatives like Beyond the Score® to tours, archives, gala events, and just about anything else they can imagine.
And since everything with Venture is a cloud solution, meaning all of the technical aspects are managed for you, there’s zero load to your existing IT resources. What you end up with is a trifecta of arts org tech solutions: affordable, reliable, and no hassle.
In short, it’s never been so easy to create purpose built websites while keeping things so simple; I’m indebted to the folks at the CSO for uncovering what had been overlooked.
[ilink url=”” style=”tick”]Visit the CSO’s Beyond the Score® website. [/ilink]
[ilink url=”” style=”tick”]Learn more about the project at the Beyond the Score® user portfolio page.[/ilink]