Following last week’s discussion about not-so-great satire, today’s post is all about some brilliant satire from the Colbert Report that brings up the feud between Delta Airlines and cellist Lynn Harrell where the former cancelled all miles for the latter’s instrument and personal frequent flyer account. Harrell detailed the events in a blog post back in December, 2012.
The Colbert Report segment is just brilliant; witty, well edited, and yes it even adds some adult themes into the discussion without relying on a ham-handed approach. At the time this post was written, the segment has over 1,500 Face book shares and the 7:05 is worth every second, so sit back and enjoy some cutting edge classical music related satire.
There’s a good bit of entertaining conversation going on via Facebook with composers using President Trump’s Covfefe #TwitterFail as inspiration for #SubversiveArt. One of…