Over the weekend, Facebook pulled a blog post from 2009 I had completely forgotten about but was popular at the time: Orchestra Administration À La Venn Diagram. After re-posting it as a Facebook memory, the feedback reminded me why it was popular and thanks to those comments, I put together an updated version for 2017 that includes patrons among the stakeholder groups.
Where orchestra administrators and stakeholders intersect.
Granted, this is a tongue-in-cheek chart for the purpose of having some fun. If you’re genuinely interested in learning about the duties and responsibilities of each orchestra administration department, the essays on orchestra governance are still the standard for learning.
There was an intriguing article by Mark Stryker in the 12/3/2016 edition of the Detroit Free Press that examines the Detroit Symphony Orchestra's community…
There’s a good bit of entertaining conversation going on via Facebook with composers using President Trump’s Covfefe #TwitterFail as inspiration for #SubversiveArt. One of…