NYCO Would Have Benefitted From The Walking Dead Triage Option


Yesterday’s news about the impending liquidation of the New York City Opera (NYCO) isn’t much of a surprise to anyone who has followed the group over the past several years. If anything, it might be curious to some why the group decided to prolong and even intensify its suffering and extend the misery to the field as a whole, not unlike a zombie shuffling around spreading fear and doom among arts …

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Two Minutes To Midnight On The Minnesota Orchestra Doomsday Clock

Minnesota Orchestra Doomsday Clock 2min

It has been an extraordinarily fast paced and destructive 72 hours for the Minnesota Orchestra Association (MOA), enough so to move the group two minutes closer to doomsday, which is marked by organizational collapse and subsequent liquidation bankruptcy. First Minute Saturday, 9/28/13: per the MOA board’s request, the musicians conduct a ratification vote for the latest offer which would have reduced musician expenses by 25 percent of the previous expenditure level …

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Osmo Vanska Resigns (Update 2:38pm CT)

Adaptistration Guy Out The Door

Osmo Vanska is no longer the Minnesota Orchestra Association’s (MOA) music director. He tendered his resignation on the morning of October 1, 2013 and issued the following public statement. 1 October 2013 Press statement from Osmo Vänskä Today I have given notice of my resignation as Music Director and Conductor for the Minnesota Orchestra Association, effective 1 October 2013. It is a very sad day for me. Over ten years ago I …

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