Today is the final day to become an Orchestra 990 Database Project’s Kickstarter campaign backer. The ability to make a pledge shuts down at 11:59 PM CDT and over the past few days, a few frequently asked questions have been coming in via email and social media so it makes sense to take a moment and cover them here during the final day of giving.
Q: What Happens To My Pledge If The Goal Is Not Met? A: If the project does not reach its funding goal, your credit card will not be charged. Consequently, you as the backer receive complete protection and absorb zero risk over fears of donating to an underfunded project.
Q: Can I pay my pledge with a check?
A: Sorry, but only credit card payments are supported.
Q: Can I donate outside of Kickstarter?
A: Sorry, but all pledges (and subsequent charges if the fundraising goal is met) must go through Kickstarter. On a related note, Kickstarter uses amazon Payments as their payment gateway.
Any eleventh hour questions can be sent in directly here as well as Facebook or Twitter; I’ll be keeping an eye on all three throughout the day.
Thank you again to all of the current backers and I’m looking forward to seeing what develops throughout the day!
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