She may be on the way out to run the Kennedy Center for the Arts but Chicago Symphony Orchestra (CSO) President Deborah Rutter certainly knows how to leave them wanting more. The organization announced they had secured the two largest gifts in their history during a 6/12/2014 board meeting.
The 6/12/2014 edition of the Chicago Tribune published an article by John von Rhein which reports the gifts will endow the CSO’s music director chair, apparently a first in the orchestra’s history. It is unknown if the named chair endowment is for a prescribed period of time.
The only way for Rutter to top this is by performing the same feat but on a larger scale in DC where Christoph Eschenbach is Music Director of both the National Symphony Orchestra and the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts. And according to the organization’s website, it appears that neither of those positions is an endowed chair.
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