Three Simple Things Artist Managers Can Do To Help Their Clients (but usually don’t)


Artist managers want to help their clients. Really. They do. Yet there never seems to be an end to artist websites that fail to deliver the most basic elements that arts marketing professionals need to adequately publicize their clients. Sure, a number of artist manages farm that work out to a publicist but in the end, the manager is still the point where that buck stops. It is fascinating to hear …

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Almost Back To Normal

There’s nothing quite as refreshing as having main power almost within reach after operating on auxiliary power for several days and to that end, I’m still occupied with getting everything shipshape so there’s only a quick pointer to an article in the 6/29/2014 edition of the Green Bay Press Gazette by Paul Srubas that reports the Green Bay Symphony Orchestra’s (GBSO) board and executive leadership have made it quite clear that …

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