Over the past few years, I’ve discovered that providing a dedicated micro-site for presentations and lectures is a terrific way to enhance the learning environment. That was exactly the case with the 2016 Arts Midwest pre-conference session Click. Click. Done. Developing Your Google Analytics Skills and I’m pleased to share the site with Adaptistration readers.
Given that the session was four-and-a-half hours long, this microsite focused more on providing supporting content than compared to those from previous presentations. At the same time, that content remained relevant to the skills participants developed but expanded on analytics concepts rather than much of the how-to content covered during the session.
Visit the Click. Click. Done. Developing Your Google Analytics Skills MicrositeThe session itself was a real treat; the participant/presenter ratio combined with the session length provided a welcome opportunity to work directly with participants in ways that don’t exist during typical conference sessions.
@mcmvanbree getting hands on during #clickclickdone #artsmidwest pic.twitter.com/PvZGlkhGx3
— Venture Industries (@VentureTweets) September 13, 2016
As always, time spent working with Ceci Dadisman and Marc van Bree always seems to pass too fast and I am enormously grateful to everyone at Arts Midwest for providing the opportunity and running one of the most efficient conferences I’ve enjoyed presenting!
The three musketeers of digital arts marketing post #clickclickdone session #artsmidwest @CeciDadisman @mcmvanbree pic.twitter.com/06NbUHR098
— Venture Industries (@VentureTweets) September 13, 2016
Landing pages need one primary action @cecidadisman #clickclickdone #artsmidwest pic.twitter.com/aZdO1hQqQV
— Venture Industries (@VentureTweets) September 13, 2016
Don't get stuck on all the gibberish. Says @mcmvanbree #artsmidwest #clickclickdone pic.twitter.com/XwfbpO3YOZ
— Venture Industries (@VentureTweets) September 13, 2016
All about cookies and cross domain tracking from @mcmvanbree #clickclickdone #artsmidwest pic.twitter.com/MtP7A3M8IY
— Venture Industries (@VentureTweets) September 13, 2016
It was also a treat to have some face-to-face time with longtime colleague and fellow culture blogger and ArtsHacker, Joe Patti. One of our breakfast brainstorming sessions planted a few seeds that I fully expect will bear fruit here in the near future.