If you’ve ever had to use a batch of images that have a bunch of special characters embedded into the filename, you know how much of a time-suck it is to remove all of those before you get a pretty filename* that’s easy to read. Fortunately, there’s a shortcut out there waiting to save you hours of time.
Better yet, it’s 100 percent free!
All you need to do is download Adobe Bridge CC and use a special trick.
I published an article at ArtsHacker that walks you through the entire process step by step so regardless your skill level or experience with Adobe Bridge, you’ll be able to hit the ground running.
*In addition to being easier to read, pretty filenames improve your search results when using the media file online. You can even get away with using filenames instead of assigning mutually exclusive captions for lightbox enabled photo galleries.
The only thing more fulfilling than successfully filling a demand is doing it alongside a group of enormously talented colleagues and friends. To that…