Thanks For Nothing LinkedIn

Adaptistration People 195

I posted something today at ArtsHacker pointing out a recent decision by LinkedIn to kill off their share counter API, which is what allows websites to show how many times site visitors share a page or post at Linkedin. If you manage your organization’s social media channels, it’s worth pointing out that not only did LinkedIn kill the counter API for all shares going forward but it blitzed the underlying data …

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#TBT Thinning Out The Sacred Cow Herd

Sacred Cows

Recently, a colleague mentioned how much she enjoys sacred cow topics here at Adaptistration and it got me wondering how much the phrase has actually appeared over the years. Turns out, not that much; only five times over the course of more than 3,700 articles. Here are some of the more intriguing offerings. One from 3/12/2013 railed against off-putting no-photo policies inside concert halls before/after the event. Time To Slaughter A …

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