If you’ve ever been responsible for creating a concert program in Microsoft Word, you probably know how tricky it is to align everything in a way that conforms with traditional program layouts.
The harder you try; the more elusive alignment becomes but you can’t figure out why. Here’s a tip to know when things start snowballing toward word processor hell: you’re using a lot of consecutive spaces.
Fear not! There is a way to achieve program layout Nirvana and it involves tab stops.
A few days ago, I noticed friend of the blog, David MacDonald, posted a quick video on this very topic on his Facebook wall. It was such a useful tool I asked him to create a more formal version for ArtsHacker and he graciously accepted. David jumps right into the useful stuff but also takes the time to not assume while covering each step in the process.
Recently, Joe Patti published an article at ArtsHacker.com that walks you through the way malicious social media bots are beginning to target performing arts…