Just a quick post today. I’ve been combing through some data from Arts Admin Jobs and it’s remarkable at how quickly things have changed over the pandemic.
Jobs Posted
Things fell off a cliff as the pandemic set in starting in March 2020 and stayed at those lows until the following year. In fact, there were no new jobs posted in April or May that year. Things began picking up as quickly as they fell off around February 2021, by March, they were starting to set all time records. Compare the changes from both periods of time:
Mar 1 – May 11, 2020: 8 jobs posted.
Mar 1 – May 11, 2021: 65 jobs posted.
That’s a 712 percent increase.
While there’s no denying it’s been a brutal year, it’s good see these signs of positive change. Arts orgs wouldn’t be tooling up if there wasn’t a certain level of confidence and investing in human resources so this is all hopefully the latest step toward growth and rebuilding!
If you’re looking to build your team, post a listing today. If you want to find talent, get a Resume Database subscription.
I decided to move the articles originally scheduled for yesterday and today to next week. Considering the insurrection in Washington D.C., they are simply…