Every so often I post an update to a series of articles that feature some free Photoshop templates I use for creating header images for Twitter and Facebook but this time around I found a set of really nice templates from Kambadastudio. They put together a series of free downloads for Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, LinkedIn, and Facebook; and by free, I mean actual direct downloads, none of the “give us your email” first nonsense.
You can find links to each one at an ArtsHacker article I published that also has instructions on how to use the Smart Objects you’ll need to navigate when using the templates.
Recently, Joe Patti published an article at ArtsHacker.com that walks you through the way malicious social media bots are beginning to target performing arts…
Regular readers have heard me complain over the years about artificial limitations ticketing and customer relationship management (CRM) platforms place on earned income potential.…