I’m very happy to say that a new solution for comments presented itself in less time than I initially anticipated so as of today, comments are back! Here’s what you can expect:
In order to leave a comment, you will need to log in using a valid Google account. This is to prevent anonymous comments and reduce comment spam.
Select the Google account you want to use for leaving a comment. Keep in mind, the information associated with the Google account when logging in is what will be displayed along with your comment.
Submit your comment. As always, comments are welcome and moderated by the respective article’s author. Commentary, opinions, and reactions to all comment posts are welcome. The authors, as well as the site owner, reserve the right to delete comments to their respective articles deemed uncivil, off-topic, spam, or inappropriate advertisements and/or promotion. Under no conditions will comments be edited.
Unfortunately, any of the previous comments submitted using Facebook will not be available. Hopefully, Facebook will be a lot less of pain about exporting them but until then, we’ll just have to continue the love/hate relationship.
I decided to move the articles originally scheduled for yesterday and today to next week. Considering the insurrection in Washington D.C., they are simply…
You’re welcome but it is still a solution that will ultimately limit those with Google accounts. If nothing else, I’ll be curious to see if there’s more less, or no change to messages from readers saying they don’t have an account at the required platform.
Test! Thanks for doing this for those of us without facebook or other social media accounts.
You’re welcome but it is still a solution that will ultimately limit those with Google accounts. If nothing else, I’ll be curious to see if there’s more less, or no change to messages from readers saying they don’t have an account at the required platform.