Inside The Arts Welcomes Frank Almond

Inside The Arts
continues to grow and today marks the addition of the newest column: non divisi; Frank Almond writes a column instead of practicing. A column differs from a blog in that blogs publish several articles per week whereas columns publish less frequently. As Frank states in his About page, "For the time being, I’ll post something the first Monday of every month, maybe more often if circumstances warrant, or if I’m just trying to avoid practicing." Much like Inside The Art’s
other column, non divisi is something entirely new and unique among the growing number of online culture sites. Frank captures this idea best in the opening of his inaugural post…

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Brian Dickie Joins Inside The Arts

Inside The Arts continues to grow and today marks the addition of the newest blog: Brian Dickie, Life as General Director of Chicago Opera Theater. Brian has been writing his blog for more than two-and-a-half years and during that time he has carved out a position of great esteem, consequently, the addition of his blog to the Inside The Arts adds another solid block to the site’s foundation. With the addition of Brian’s blog as well as a new column beginning January 7, Inside The Arts has found itself in need of a redesign to make room for all of this growth…

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Books On Culture: A New Inside The Arts Blog

There’s excitement in the air as today marks the launch of the latest Inside The Arts blog. Books On Culture; discovering books on music and culture with John Rosenkrans is one of the most unique arts and culture blogs to enter the fray since the medium winked into existence several years ago. Although it seems like you can’t swing a virtual dead cat without hitting a book review blog (or reader reviews through mega-sites like there isn’t a single blog devoted to reviewing books on music and culture – until now…

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