It seemed as though the election was over following the Republican Presidential Primary; after all, the media circus reached such a fevered pitch that it seemed self defeating to continue the exercise. But that euphoria was short lived and an article in the 8/15/2012 edition of CNN Money’s Fortune blog reminds us that a down economy + presidential election = plenty of arts funding debate.
To Save The NEA And NEH, Perhaps Stakeholders Should Crowdsource ‘Fox & Friends’ Sponsored Content
With all the genuine concern in the wake of the Trump administration’s plan to eliminate the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) and National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH), perhaps political action isn’t the best option. Instead, the NEA and NEH could be saved if we crowdsource a bribe sponsored content on the Fox News talk program Fox & Friends. An article by Jenna Johnson in the 3/7/2017 edition of The …