With Friends Like These…

The 2/13/2011 edition of the Washington Post published an article by Peter Marks that does an excellent job of covering the explosive remarks by NEA chair Rocco Landesman made during a recent theater conference. At issue is his response to the question about the declining audience figures for the arts…

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Conductor Bill Eddins posted a thought provoking (or was it just provoking?) piece on 11/3/2010 simply titled “Kill the NEA.” On the surface, it might look like a ploy to draw in readers but it doesn’t’ take long to see that there’s much more beneath the surface…

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With Friends Like These?

Every now and then a topic here at Adaptistration generates a great deal of private email responses; the most recent example are the responses to the 7/13/09 article which examined how the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) distributed economic stimulus funds. Toward the end of the article, I pointed out that some of the grant recipients were performing arts service organizations and postulated that some of their respective members may not approve of their service organization applying for the same grants they are…

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Following the NEA Stimulus Money

True to their word, the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) distributed all of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act funds (AKA Stimulus Funds, Federal Bailout, etc.) within five months of the economic recovery bill. Not long ago, the NEA posted a list of nonprofit arts organizations that received a direct grant to “support the preservation of jobs that are threatened by declines in philanthropic and other support during the current economic downturn.” Here’s a list of how those funds were distributed along with some cross tabulation not available at the NEA website…

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