Even though there was only one orchestra in 1st place, I wanted to take the time to award some of the really wonderful and unique aspects from among the websites I evaluated. These features deserve recognition and attention from those inside and outside of the industry. I also wanted to point out some orchestra website features that simply have no good reason for being there.
Best Musician Information: Oregon Symphony Without a doubt, the way in which the Oregon symphony presents its musicians to the public is truly unique and worth serving as a template for other orchestras to follow. Once you click onto a section from the orchestra you are presented with a head shot of each player and a series of links attached to that musician.
There are four types of links, each taking you to a player’s Biography, their Musician Moment, a Player Portrait, or a Musical Legacy. Each player may have one or more special pages for patrons to view.
Did you know that a routine boilerplate included in many grant agreements (especially those from government sources) stipulates the receiving organization agrees that their…