Reader Response: Concert Companion or ORBIT

After publishing Concert Companion or ORBIT Part 1 I received an email from Andrew Yarosh, Madison Symphony Orchestra’s Development Director.  He was looking at the situation from a small orchestra point of view and that of a patron: It seems these tools are, in the best of all possible worlds (i.e. when all orchestras have sufficient funds to pursue their objectives) complementary.  I’ve had a personal experience with the Concert Companion …

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National Arts Journalism Program

The idea behind long term planning requires an organization to look at their past, examine their present, and visualize their future. But what if your organization isn’t a single entity such as an orchestra?  Is it possible for a loose confederation of individuals with a common tie to engage in long term planning? The Music Critics Association of North America and the National Arts Journalism Program at Columbia University hopes they’ll …

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Eastman Students Negotiate Their Future Part 2

When we left off in yesterday’s article, the students of Eastman’s “Realities of Orchestral Life” were just beginning a simulated orchestra contract negotiation.  The students of the class represent the musicians in the orchestra and five of their members were designated to serve as their negotiation committee.  I represented management and the course professor, Ray Ricker, would act as a mediator if such a need should arise.

The students had just been informed that the financial situation for their “Sim Orchestra” has gone from bad to worse and serious reductions in their annual budget would be necessary to avoid bankruptcy.  And so the class continue…

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