I was honored to learn that Adaptistration is included in the new book by Peter Kuhns and Adrienne Crew, Blogosphere: Best of Blogs, a top 5% seller at amazon.com…
Amazon’s editorial review describes the book in the following way,
“You probably have your favorite blogs to visit each day, but there are countless other blogs that you could never find on your own and that could potentially be added to the top of your favorites! Blogosphere: Best of Blogs is a collection of the blogs you’ve heard about and the ones still waiting to be discovered. Organized into sections based on interests and moods, you’ll find a listing of the best blogs out there, along with the reasons why they’ve made the list. Complete with searching tips and strategies, Blogosphere will help you find the greatest voices in the blogging universe.”
Personally, I’m glad to see an entire section of the book dedicated to classical music blogs. I contacted one of the book’s authors, Adrienne Crew, to ask why she and Peter decided to include a classical music section,
“Peter and I decided to include classical music in the Hobbies section because the classical music community has been so innovative in sharing their interests online. I wanted to show folks that blogs are the perfect medium for sharing information about topics that may not get enough mainstream attention in the media. Therefore, blogs have become a way to provide coverage of gaps in the media and help musicians gain new audiences, especially now that you can upload and broadcast music files.”
Arts Journal’s editor-in-chief is Douglas McLennan, established Arts Journal with similar principals; mainstream media coverage of the arts was in a decline so AJ was established to help fill that gap and increase public consumption and dialog of arts issues. To help reach that goal Douglas established ARTSJOURNAL weblogs, which assembled some of the best writers on the arts and asked them to start blogging on their favorite subjects.
Since then, ARTSJOURNAL weblogs (along with many other fine arts weblogs not hosted at Arts Journal) have steadily grown in readership and exposure. In addition to this weblog, the classical music section in Blogosphere: Best of Blogs includes references to blogs mentioned on a regular basis here at Adaptistration such as violinist.com, oboeinsight, Iron Tongue of Midnight, and Sandow among other fine blogs.
You can pre-order your copy of Blogosphere: Best of Blogs at Amazon.com (planned release on 01/13/06) or pick up a copy now at your local Borders book store.
Did you notice we are listed in the category of “hobbies”? Hmmm. They do have a Musicians & Performers list (Chapter 3, Entertainment Blogs) as well, but I guess that only includes the famous. As far as I know, music really is my career, even if it pays like a hobby! 😉
Hi Patty, et al, I’m one of the authors of the book.
It was not our intention to characterize the classical musicians blogs as hobbies. Rather, we organized the categories for the readers. We put music and books as a hobby for the average reader. Unfortunately, the book had to be organized that way.
Thanks for taking the time to look at the book.
Hello Adrienne … well, as I realized after buying the book, the “hobby” is for the blog, not for the music! Silly me.
I’m still sort of giddy about being in the book, actually. An oboe blog? So many don’t even know what the instrument IS! So thanks much.