It snuck up on me a bit this year but yesterday was Inside The Arts‘ seventh anniversary and it’s been a great year for its authors, here are some of the highlights.
- Jason Heath is back to blogging/podcasting with a vengeance after a bit of a sabbatical. It’s great to see the Double Bass Blog up and running at full strength again.
- I’m fairly certain Joe Patti is simply incapable of writing a mediocre post as 2015 has been marked by one terrific article after another. Think of Butts In The Seats as the hearty comfort food of arts admin blogging.
- Last but certainly not least, 2015 has been the Year of Neo Classical. Author Holly Mulcahy continues to push out one hit post after another with the most popular offerings going viral with tens of thousands of visits and an equal number of social media shares. Several of her posts have been incorporated into online and print program material by dozens of performing arts organizations, such as What To Wear To The Symphony, When To Clap At The Symphony: A Guideline, and Why Is The Timpani Player Smelling His Drums and seven other awesome questions from the audience.
If you haven’t been to any of these blogs in a while or the authors are new to you, then take some time this weekend to explore and don’t forget that you can subscribe to Inside The Arts’ weekly email summary; delivered every Friday, it includes an overview of recent posts from all its authors. Just head over to to sign up!