As my moving day rapidly approaches I am going to post some pointers to other blog sites you may not be aware of but are worth your time to visit. Today, I hope you’ll take a moment to visit Butts In The Seats, Musings on Practical Solutions For Arts Management one of my favorite arts management blogs outside of Arts Journal…
Butts In The Seats is one of the few arts management blogs which repeatedly demonstrates it isn’t timid about shedding some light on the otherwise dank, slimy underside of the rock known as arts management. At the same time, there’s nothing tawdry about the way Butts In The Seats approaches its subject material; rather, it examines everyday challenges (otherwise known as problems) all arts manager comes across at one pint or another in the course of doing business.
In particular, check out a wonderful article from 03/21/06.
Congratulations to Joe Patti’s Butts In The Seats; Musings on Practical Solutions For Arts Management which is celebrating its 13th anniversary! I completely missed…