I’m in Rochester, NY for the next two days taking part in the polyphonic.org strategic planning retreat. Given all the attention focused on strategic planning issues here over the past year the next few days hold a great deal of promise.
In the meantime, stop by Brian Dickie’s blog: Life as General Director of Chicago Opera Theater. Brain does a really wonderful job at offering up an inside glimpse into the inner workings of a performing arts ensemble. There’s no saccharin coated propaganda here; instead, he presents a nice combination of the current Chicago cultural environment as well as some intriguing personal insights into classical music.
Along with Joe Patti’s Butts In Seatsblog, it’s hard to find more sincere offerings into this little corner of the arts management world.
Following up on our 9/14/2015 list of orchestras with expired agreements, here's an overview of what's been going on. Philadelphia Orchestra The employer and…