The Partial Observer published an article today by Holly Mulcahy which examines how aspiring musicians learn about their desired career path. More to the point, she talks about how high school and undergraduate students don’t learn enough about the realities of becoming a professional musician unless they are fortunate enough to encounter a private teacher or other professor who assumes the responsibility for laying it all out there…
Holly goes on to examine the delicate balance between not going so far as to discourage enthusiasm among talented students while not inadvertently setting them up to walk right into one of numerous professional bear traps. This is precisely the sort of material future musicians should be hearing and I’ve had the pleasure of conducting several lectures,workshops, and frank discussions at colleges and conservatories as well as giving personal guidance to students from my private teaching days.
The more attention this subject receives, the better. You can read Holly’s article here.
There's a fascinating article by Phillip Longman in the 11/28/2015 edition of The Atlantic that examines the impact of increasingly relaxed US economic policies…