Although I’ve been twittering away now for nearly one year, the fact is most of my tweets are auto-generated notices of my daily blog posts. Twitter has been a useful tool but one that never quite feels like it is being maximized; however, all that changed last week with the advent of Twitter shout-outs in advance of the 2009 Orchestra Website Review…
Each year during the evaluation process, I keep meticulous notes on little items that stand out from orchestra websites that for one reason or another, never make it into a published article. I feel bad about not directing some attention toward these buried gems but Twitter is an ideal platform for broadcasting these notes. As a result, keep an eye on Adaptistration’s Twitter page where special Website Review tweets highlighting some unique and special features found throughout orchestra websites will be appearing over the next few weeks.
As of this morning, there have been nine shout-outs which you can find at Adaptistration Twitter archive and you can be certain there plenty more to come. Moreover, if your orchestra maintains a Twitter page, make sure you’re following @Adaptistration so you can have an easier time knowing if your orchestra’s website gets acknowledged in a Twitter shout-out. Likewise, make sure I know about your Twitter presence so I can include the proper @reply name in a shout-out.
Speaking of social networking and the Orchestra Website Reviews, orchestras can put their social networks to use by encouraging members to take part in the reader reviews. A few orchestras have taken advantage of their social networks so far and the results have been immediate. Not only is it a good way for you to measure the impact of your social network, it only takes a few seconds to implement if you use the social networking icons located at the bottom of the reader review page. Each icon automatically generates links and related copy at your respective social networking sites but you can feel free to add more information if you wish.