As leaders at the Honolulu Symphony Orchestra (HSO) continue to promise then postpone news about the beleaguered organization’s fate, Ballet Hawaii has gone on record saying that they intend to use live music for their annual Nutcracker performances. Traditionally, the Ballet uses the HSO for the concerts, however, those plans could be interrupted if the HSO decides to file bankruptcy and cancel remaining concerts. Hawaii News Now produced a television segment about the HSO and Ballet that quotes representatives from the Ballet saying that they can’t imagine performing without live music…
Nonetheless, this isn’t the first time a situation like this has come about in the business and if the HSO does file bankruptcy, it is entirely conceivable that the HSO musicians will make arrangements with the Ballet to provide their services as independent contractors.
Certainly, everyone hopes it doesn’t come to that and that the HSO’s prolonged news tease will culminate with better news than not.
The 12/15/2016 edition of the Nashville Scene published an article by John Pitcher. The article reports that per the Nashville Symphony Orchestra's (NSO) most…