Apparently, it is possible to be in more than one place at the same time. At least, virtually. Yesterday’s edition of published an article by Marlon Bishop that examines the move by Graham Parker, currently the exec of the Orpheus Chamber Ensemble, over to lead WQXR that included some of my quotes. On the same day, published an article by Janos Gereben that references the 2010 Compensation Reports…
Month: June 2010
The Love-Hate Relationship With Email Marketing
Dale Fisher posted a great little blurb about email marketing HTML at The Revolution Starts…Now? last month that reminds all of us why we love to hate email marketing. Compared to mailers, they have a number of strengths but one of email marketing’s shortcomings is how difficult it is to create a simple, HTML message that function properly in the vast array of email client delivery platforms…
Leave The AFM? “I Don’t Think So”
At least, that’s what Robert Levine writes in response to the AFM poll results here from earlier this month (here and here) at his blog The AFM Observer. In addition to stating his own position, Levine hypothesizes “The real answer that most orchestra musicians would give to a question like ‘do you think you and your colleagues should leave the AFM,’ if given a realistic list of potential costs and benefits, would be ‘it depends.'”…
AFM Poll Update: The Grass Is Looking Greener
When the original poll results were published on 6/4/2010 I mentioned that we would revisit the results if there are any significant changes or an unusually large spike in responses. As it turns out, both have come to pass. Since then, the poll produced just under 800 respondents and that surge shifted the response ratios quite a bit… Since then, a large percentage of those new respondents displayed sentiments toward orchestra …
Save The Revolution, We Need Reformation
With the League conference in full swing this week behind the theme of Orchestra R/Evoluiton, it seems much of the discussion is focused outward: what orchestras mean to their communities, new business models, etc. It’s fun to take part in visioning exercises but those are best left for times of economic stability and growth. What should be taking place is talk about Reformation, how those entrusted with governance and administration can adapt to do more during a time of less…