2012 was a stellar year for Adaptistration. Once again, new readers grew by leaps and bounds while overall readership continued its nearly decade long steady increase. One new area of growth was a spike in non-North American readers with big gains in Australia, Germany, Japan, and New Zealand.
Popular Content
Instead of spouting off a bunch of popularity stats, I thought it would be fun to use Adaptistration’s newest feature and turn it into a guessing game. Correct responses are displayed along with facts about the respective subject after you submit your answers.
Geek Stats
- Firefox and Internet Explorer users each dropped more than 20% in overall browser share
- Chrome users increased 50% from the previous year and took over as the third most commonly used browser choice among desktop and laptop users.
- Safari took over the #1 slot for most commonly used desktop and laptop browsers.
- Mobile users jumped up 62% from the previous year, with the largest increase in those preferring Android based systems.
- Apple mobile devices doubled in usage but dropped off about five percent among all mobile users.
- Although only 10 percent of overall mobile traffic, tablet users more than doubled over last year.
Polls Were More Popular Than Ever
2012 saw more polls than previous years with the most popular poll focusing on the 2012 election and the arts.
Polls (backed up with analytics data) also helped determine that Adaptistration readers are a pretty honest group, with most of you demonstrating a willingness to share a post via your social network of choice if asked; so give yourselves a firm pat on the back!
Lastly, polls played a key role in helping determine the best way to move forward with the 2012 Orchestra Website Reviews. More than half of those who voted indicated that if possible, they would prefer to see the reviews published in the spring of 2013.
What Were Your Favorites?
Think back over the year and share which posts were your favorites and why. Moreover, what would you like to see more or less of in 2013?
What would I like to see in 2013? Fewer meltdowns in Minnesota would be certainly nice. And multiple hour-long interviews with Michael Henson, Jon Campbell, and Richard Davis!
Thanks for all your hard work, Drew! You’ve been an invaluable resource during the Apocalypse.