Now this is something you genuinely don’t see every day; Kayoko Dan, Chattanooga Symphony & Opera (CSO) Music Director, is donating her hair (no, that’s not a typo) to Locks of Love and will let CSO patrons select her post-cut hair style.
According to the CSO Facebook page, Dan donates her hair every two years and this time around will be her third time. Voting for one of four options can be done via leaving a comment at the respective CSO wall post and is apparently open to all.
Now if there was only a way to nominate other conductors to become donors…
As I applaud Ms. Dan for a fantastic idea, I would like to encourage you, Mr.McMahon, to call on the orchestras to report about other conductors’ donations…instead of this somewhat woeful message at the the end of your post. I would hope that you get many wonderful replies.
Unless this is just a “come on you people” plea, in which case I withdraw my objection.
Your fan and faithful reader,
Marina Liadova
I certainly don’t intend to create any sort of donation benchmark for conductors (or any orchestra employee), I know many who give anonymously to their own institutions and other worthy charities but rest assured, my final sentence is more of a light-hearted jab at the long hair trend among conductors; very few of which seem to successfully pull it off.
I certainly can’t claim to be a paragon of fashion, but Dudamel needs a haircut.
I’m not an authority either but I think The Dude pulls off that look but most of the copycats don’t even come close.
As I applaud Ms. Dan for a fantastic idea, I would like to encourage you, Mr.McMahon, to call on the orchestras to report about other conductors’ donations…instead of this somewhat woeful message at the the end of your post. I would hope that you get many wonderful replies.
Unless this is just a “come on you people” plea, in which case I withdraw my objection.
Your fan and faithful reader,
Marina Liadova
I certainly don’t intend to create any sort of donation benchmark for conductors (or any orchestra employee), I know many who give anonymously to their own institutions and other worthy charities but rest assured, my final sentence is more of a light-hearted jab at the long hair trend among conductors; very few of which seem to successfully pull it off.