It can be all too easy to overlook the need for driving email subscription conversion but make no mistake, email is still an enormously powerful tool, even in the wake of SMS and social media based messaging. Nonetheless, after taking a closer look at Adaptistration’s Weekly Email Subscriber list the other week and noticing the mostly consistent increase of 3.5 percent each month since late 2012 without so much as a single post directing readers over, it seems like a good time to rectify that oversight.
Ideally, you should do what I just did for the past 18 months but at the same time, it does demonstrate the value in designing an efficient call to action item and placing it in an effective location within your site.
Case in point, Adaptistration’s email subscription banner makes it clear how often the email is delivered (preventing concern over getting flooded with messages), it contains an icon to let users know they need to click through to sign up; all that’s really missing there is mention of the job listings in addition to the posts and news items.
The subscription page maintains a high conversion rate and the actual subscription list maintains an 86 percent open rate with mobile devices tipping the 50 percent threshold back in April, 2014. And every Friday, like clockwork, there’s a big ‘ol bump in daily traffic, page views, and average time on site within the first few hours the newsletter goes out.
So if you aren’t already on the list, go ahead and subscribe; it’s only one email per week, same day and time, highly scanable and only takes a few seconds to process; plus it’s a great way to make sure you don’t miss anything during a busy or vacation week.
I’m en route to Chattanooga today to attend a concert on Thursday, 3/2/2017 of my wife, violinist Holly Mulcahy, performing Jim Stephenson’s Tributes violin…
Interesting question George and it depends a bit on the source material but if we’re talking about traditional blog content like Adaptistration, the best advice I can give here is provide quality content published on a regular, predictable basis. If there’s nothing worth visiting on a regular basis (can’t stress the last one enough), even the best email newsletter subscription campaign won’t produce worthwhile results. If content isn’t published on a regular basis and your publishing platform offers a per publication email notice service, that is a good alternative to a standard email newsletter subscription.
Looking back on the earlier days of Adaptistration, what were some of the keys to successfully building your subscription numbers?
Interesting question George and it depends a bit on the source material but if we’re talking about traditional blog content like Adaptistration, the best advice I can give here is provide quality content published on a regular, predictable basis. If there’s nothing worth visiting on a regular basis (can’t stress the last one enough), even the best email newsletter subscription campaign won’t produce worthwhile results. If content isn’t published on a regular basis and your publishing platform offers a per publication email notice service, that is a good alternative to a standard email newsletter subscription.