In what might be one of the funniest things to hit the field since Ryan Gosling, Arts Administrator, an orchestra version of the long running Downfall meme hit YouTube on 10/11/2014. If you aren’t already in the know, the Downfall meme is a series of videos based on the climactic scene from the 2002 German film Der Untergang (Downfall), a movie about Traudl Junge, the final secretary for Adolf Hitler, recounts the Nazi dictator’s final days in his Berlin bunker at the end of WWII. Sure, it may not sound like fodder for a string of parody videos, but creativity knows no bounds.
In the original scene, Hitler learns of Germany’s impending defeat from his remaining generals and that a counter-offensive he ordered never took place. The scene includes a powerful performance from Bruno Ganz playing Hitler as he undergoes a nervous breakdown in front of his highest ranking generals. Here’s the original scene:
Now here’s the same scene with a new set of subtitles that change the context to Hitler’s generals telling him he can’t be concertmaster. I won’t spoil the reveal but I can say it, and the subsequent gags, genuinely separates the orchestra geeks from the casual concert goer.
The More You Know
One of the first big viral hits was in 2007, when Hitler is informed that his gaming account has been banned from XBOX Live.
There was even one for the subprime mortgage bust in 2008
They are so popular there’s a website to easily create your own parody. So, do you think you can come up with a funnier orchestra version?
There’s a good bit of entertaining conversation going on via Facebook with composers using President Trump’s Covfefe #TwitterFail as inspiration for #SubversiveArt. One of…
Expressing my latent pedantic tendencies, this would have been even funnier with the correct spelling of Fuehrer (can’t find the umlaut option today) rather the distracting Furor. Though he was in a furor, I guess.
Unfortunately, I can never appreciate these because I am unable to disregard the original circumstances from which the metaphors are drawn.
Mel Brooks says it better that I ever could.
Expressing my latent pedantic tendencies, this would have been even funnier with the correct spelling of Fuehrer (can’t find the umlaut option today) rather the distracting Furor. Though he was in a furor, I guess.
Perhaps that’s the ‘Merican spelling. And haven’t you heard, all diacritical marks have been replaced by emoji.