is on track for an early December launch and if you aren’t one of the nearly 300 who have already signed up for the official release notice, you can rectify that in less than a minute. The ArtsHacker contributors are getting the first round of articles in and they are all looking fantastic (you just might get a sneak peek by signing up for the launch notice so hintidy hint hint).
Speaking of the contributors, here’s our official list of ArtsHackers:
Andy Campbell
Ceci Dadisman
Jonathan Eifert
David J Loehr
Sarah Marczynski
Phil Paschke
Joe Patti
Samantha Teter
Kim Witman
In addition to signing up for the launch notice, you can connect via Twitter and Facebook where you can leave a question or topic suggestion for one of the ArtsHackers.
The only thing more fulfilling than successfully filling a demand is doing it alongside a group of enormously talented colleagues and friends. To that…