Although I typically let a reader segmentation survey go a good fortnight before compiling data, the first day’s results were fascinating enough that it seemed worthwhile to share some of it today, one trend in particular worth noting is Millennial readers are on the rise and in a big way.
Of the nearly 100 readers that have completed the survey, more than half are Millennials and of those, two-thirds self-identify as a nonprofit performing arts executive, manager, or staffer. They are spread fairly evenly across the various administrative departments although there’s a slight leaning toward development and artistic administration career tracks.
Compared to Gen X and Baby Boomers, they read twice the number of blogs every day and one of the dominant reasons is to find a better perspective and more personality than traditional media outlets. At the same time, they are generally less satisfied with all mediums of cultural news compared to their elder peers.
I’m very anxious to see where these trends will go so to that end, if you haven’t done so already, thank you in advance for taking a moment to complete the survey.
Likewise, set aside some time today to read a related post from the end of 2013 titled The Habits Of Successful Young Arts Admin Professionals; it shares some insights about the traits (good and not-so-good) among Millennials who stand out from their peers along with how these qualities are sometimes very different from previous generations.
I do too if for no other reason that it is good to know that the discussions going on here along with the topics are capable of generating the interest.
My number of daily blogs read has decreased dramatically since last year due mostly to bloggers simply stopping. (Bass Blog I’m looking at you. And Think Denk. And several that are not arts blogs.)
I find this encouraging on so many levels.
I do too if for no other reason that it is good to know that the discussions going on here along with the topics are capable of generating the interest.
My number of daily blogs read has decreased dramatically since last year due mostly to bloggers simply stopping. (Bass Blog I’m looking at you. And Think Denk. And several that are not arts blogs.)