Plans To Eliminate NEA & NEH Raises Alarm And Inspire Ire

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Ever since the news that the Trump administration plans to eliminate the National Endowment of the Arts (NEA) and the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) became public knowledge, responses from inside and out of the arts community have been swift. There’s a list of reports from mainstream media that examine how much arts and culture contribute to the financial and civic health of metropolitan areas. NEA, NEH have poured millions …

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Simple Tips To Keep WordPress Fast

If you’re a WordPress user and your site is more than a few years old, there are a number of things you should be doing behind the scenes to keep everything running as fast as possible. Having said that, a good bit of it requires a certain level of technical skills but there are a few key things you can regardless your experience or knowledge. I published an article at ArtsHacker …

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Trump On The Arts & Humanities: You’re Nothing But Waste

Adaptistration Guy Trump Bird

Happy Inauguration Day. Well, not really since it turns out the new President has adopted a position that the National Endowment for the Arts and National Endowment for the Humanities are a waste and has recommended both departments be eliminated in 2017. According to an article by Alexander Bolton in the 1/19/2017 edition of The Hill, the incoming President is planning to propose a budget that eliminates the National Endowment for …

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Let’s Be Friends


A few months ago, I made a big switch from using traditional comments to a system powered by Facebook. At the time, I mentioned this switch was an experiment in progress and now that we’re several weeks in I can say that it will be the ongoing standard for the foreseeable future. Since making the switch, a several readers who used to leave comments anonymously over verified likelihood of suffering retaliation …

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Betty White Wants You To Change Your [*******] Password Already!

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I realized earlier this week that it has been awhile since I posted a reminder about updating the passwords you use for personal and business accounts. As such, let’s get down to it. It Takes More Than Capitalizing The First Letter Of Your Old Password The sad truth is most passwords are awful; they are easy for hackers to crack because they are common phrases or numerical sequence like “123456.” And …

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