Spoiler: it isn’t unusual for those working inside the orchestra or opera field to find cultural inspiration at anywhere but music-oriented organizations.
Over the past five years, I’ve found myself drifting more towards non-orchestra/opera outlets to top off my internal cultural tank. And after a few particularly intriguing conversations, I’m curious to know what readers think.
As such I put together a little poll to see if one or more fields emerge as favorites.
Thanks in advance for limiting responses to those who make their living inside the orchestra or opera field, both on stage and off.
If there are more than a handful of “other” replies, I’ll be sure to post those as an update next week. Likewise, feel free to leave a comment.
Yesterday’s post examining the ratio of programming between living/deceased, male/female, and ethnicity for the 2017/18 season has generated a good deal of discussion throughout…