The second installment in the series of articles I’m writing about how arts administrators can use the Laws of User Experience to be better at just about everything they do is now published!
This article focuses on the Law Of Common Region and how you can help boost a person’s natural tendency to group similar elements. The end result can make it easier for patrons to find key information and process more of your content at deeper levels. The article examines how you can implement the Law of Common Region across a variety of website content management tasks, email marketing campaigns, and creating presentations.
It also covers how you can let the content tell you how it needs to be grouped so you can avoid falling into a checkboard output bear trap!
Recently, Joe Patti published an article at that walks you through the way malicious social media bots are beginning to target performing arts…
Over the weekend, I posted the following rant about portfolio aspect ratio images on Facebook: Given that it's always a good thing to…