An Interview With Columbus Executive Director Tony Beadle

On January 18, 2008 the Columbus Symphony Orchestra (CSO) board of directors released a strategic plan that called for a reduction in expenses by approximately 25 percent. Public reaction from the organization’s musicians, music director, and patrons has been overwhelmingly unfavorable; however, the plan did receive support in the form of an editorial from the Columbus Dispatch. In order to find out more about the plan and where the organization expects to proceed, I spoke with CSO Executive Director, Tony Beadle, via telephone on February 5, 2008…

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When An Academic Exercise Becomes Reality

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During the beginning of November, 2006 I had the pleasure of conducting a mock negotiation exercise with the MBA students from the University of Wisconsin-Madison’s Bolz Center for Arts Administration program. That exercise had the future arts administrator’s playing the role of orchestra musicians who were presented with a bargaining proposal from management that called for a 35 percent reduction in expenditures. Although the details of that exercise are fascinating to …

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Examining Dynamic Reactions At Columbus

Although the news is barely one week old, patron reaction to the proposed budget cuts at the Columbus Symphony Orchestra have been intriguing. Sources for public response include the Columbus Dispatch, The Cincinnati Enquirer, and several blogs and social networking groups. Typically, community response includes a small amount of very opinionated voices on both sides of issues with the bulk of individuals falling somewhere in-between. However, since the issue broke last week, the overwhelming majority of voices seem to be speaking out against the proposed cuts…

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An Adaptistration Poll: Strategic Planning

How important do you think it is for a strategic planning
process to include input from the organization’s artistic stakeholders, (conductors
and ensemble musicians)? Should the board determine financial prospects first
and then allow voices from the artistic stakeholders to offer input in the planning process? Is
it appropriate for artistic stakeholders to express public dissatisfaction with
a strategic plan? Weigh in on these issues with today’s Adaptistration poll on
strategic planning…

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