Expressing Your Concern To Interlochen

A great number of concerned Interlochen alumni and supporters have written asking me what I think they should do: "Should I write a letter? Should I make phone calls? Should I just keep quiet?"  As a result of those many requests, I have put together a contact list of the Interlochen Trustees and Alumni Council and a template letter to help you get started.

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Blogs, Blogs Everywhere

In yesterday’s San Francisco Classical Voice, Lisa Hirsch published a great piece about the explosion of classical music blogs available today.  Not only is it a great reference of music related blogs (you’ll find Arts Journal blogs by Teachout, Sandow, yours truly, and Critical Conversation listed) but it does an equally great job of outlining why music blogs have filled such an important need in the industry. But I digress, go …

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Root, Root, Root For The Home Team

Finding an extra special rallying point for your community to get involved with has always been a good move on the part of orchestras.  Although orchestras should always have a series of events to focus attention on them, having a big event is a good way to wake up the sleeping congregation and bring in some converts. One of the most common events used by bigger orchestras is to plan an …

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