The Concert Experience Is Once Again A Hot Topic (and that’s a good thing)

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The 2/21/2017 edition of the Wall Street Journal published an article by Terry Teachout (subscriber only) that examines some recent work by the California Symphony into attracting millennials. Specifically, the article touches on the orchestra’s efforts to identify reasons why new ticket buyers are discouraged from returning and, spoiler alert, they are mostly non-artistic. If all of this sounds a bit familiar, that’s because the California Symphony’s executive director, Aubrey Bergauer, …

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Don’t Ask Me How I’m Doing If You Don’t Really Care

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I’m going to steal something today from Joe Patti; specifically, his post from 1/3/2017 where he shares some insights from serving on the evaluation panel from ArtsHacker’s Most Creative People In Arts Administration. In his post, Patti dives into the deep end of one submission that ultimately tied for top honor: Aubrey Bergauer’s blog at California Symphony. One of the posts that struck Patti is one that caught my attention as well …

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