Revisiting Frank

Although I had the opportunity to meet a number of wonderful folks (you know who you are) during my recent trip to NYC for the Nashville Symphony’s Spring For Music concert it was a sincere pleasure to bump into Frank J. Oteri. Regular readers and culture blog denizens are likely well aware of Frank and his work at NMBX (NewMusicBox) but if he’s someone that isn’t on your radar, then you should set aside some time this week and remedy that condition.

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Happy Anniversary NewMusicBox!

When it comes to online pioneers, the folks over at NewMusicBox (or NMBx if you’re hip) were already ahead of the curve before most even figured out there was something there. This month marks NMBx’s 10 year anniversary, which is the equivalent to at least 50 years in real business time (or 350 years for dog business), and they’ve spent the past decade pushing boundaries and producing fantastic content…

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