Throughout this week’s drama surrounding the contract issues at the Saint Louis Symphony, there’s been a small PR campaign covering the larger philosophical issues of what’s keeping the musicians and management apart; and that smaller issue is one of culpability surrounding the wave of this week’s cancelled auditions and concerts.
Month: January 2005
Breaking News From St. Louis
After speaking with representatives from the Saint Louis Symphony Management and the Player’s Association, more details surrounding the auditions and resulting situation have emerged. The Auditions I spoke with Jeff Trammel, Director of Communications for the SLSO and he said that: The orchestra’s management had contacted some of the individual orchestra musicians who were scheduled to serve on the audition committee (the group of musicians responsible for listening to audition candidates). …
Up To And Over The Edge Of The Cliff
It’s odd how things tend to work themselves out in this business. Yesterday the musicians of the Saint Louis Symphony Orchestra voted overwhelmingly to authorize a strike. However, being concerned about some timing issues regarding auditions scheduled for Monday, January 3 and Tuesday, January 4 they also approved having the musicians slotted to serve on the audition committees to continue working in order to not interrupt the audition. This gesture is …
Classical Music Never Looked So Good
I published an article today at The Partial Observer which examines several new concert halls that have been or will be opening up across the world. One thing they all have in common is that they are truly striking buildings in their own right; from ultra modern through traditional neo classical designs. For further reading on how an orchestra goes about obtaining a new concert hall, visit the “Size Matters” series …
The Turnover In Music Faculty At Interlochen
Recently, the Interlochen Center for the Arts website posted the faculty list for the 2005 summer camp season. The list goes a long way in helping to clear up much of the ongoing discussion regarding exactly how many music faculty were dismissed in the recent”Thanksgiving week Massacre.”