What Evil Lurks In The Hearts Of Oboists…

I had to laugh out loud today at a comment I read in Patricia Mitchell’s blog, obeinsight.  She recounts a story about when a patron once asked her what goes through her mind when she plays, this was her answer: “I wanted to tell her I was trying to decide if I would have my typical bowl of Cheerios when I got home, or if I felt more like a beer.” …

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The Atmosphere Of Advertisements

I can’t count the times I’ve had discussions with folks in the business about the environment of concert halls; it’s cold, sterile, non inclusive, etc. Everyone seems to realize that things needs to change on one level or another but there’s so much that’s entrenched in every nook and cranny it’s hard to see where all of the root problems reside.  But here’s a good example brought to my attention by …

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An Inside Look At The SLSO Mediated Negotiations

Update: In the spirit of equal-time, the St. Louis Symphony management have been offered multiple opportunities to express their interpretations of the recent mediated negations, to expand on their positions, and to respond to statements made by the SLSO musician’s representative.  As of 2/23/05 they have respectfully declined that opportunity although the offer continues to remain open.

The mediated negotiations in St. Louis last week had high hopes for producing an agreement among patrons and supporters of the St. Louis Symphony Orchestra.  It was the first time representatives from the SLSO management and the musicians’ negotiation committee sat down at a bargaining table to talk in nearly six weeks.

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What’s Good For The Goose

More on the whole booing issue, I ran across this wonderful suggestion from oboist Patricia Mitchell’s blog, oboeinsight: Anyway, if the audience wants to boo, fine. May we boo back when they are annoying? 😉 It made me remember an old Bugs Bunny cartoon where Bugs is the featured piano soloist performing Liszt’s Hungarian Rhapsody.  Right before Bugs begins to play, there’s a patron who keeps interrupting his concentration by coughing.  After …

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Reader Response: You’d Give Your What?

In response to yesterday’s article about audience feedback during concerts, a member of a major orchestra viola section sent in some worthwhile observations and strong feelings about standing ovations, rhythmic applause, clapping between movements and booing:

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